Saturday, August 6, 2011

4-H Horse Camp 2011

So today I am heading up to Fryeburg, Maine because I was invited to give a demonstration to all the great kids attending the 2011 Southern Maine 4-H Horse Camp. I was in 4-H myself for about 6 years before I was too old to be a member, but the time I spent in it was fun and informative. In my opinion, when you know the right people, the horse community in Maine is great and full of talented, intelligent, and passionate people. All this week I have been getting ready for my demonstration. I will be teaching the kids how to make homemade horse treats, so I've been printing recipes, buying supplies and grating a TON of carrots! But hopefully it will go well and all be worth it!
Kendra's horse Guiness, taken at last year's horse camp

So one of  the best things about going to the Fryeburg Fairgrounds is that the scenery of there is beautiful. The fairgrounds are surrounded by mountains and the scenery makes sunsets and thunderstorms seem much more bold. I must say, I take it upon myself to be official camp photographer during the time I am up there, and I usually am lucky enough to catch some great shots. Hopefully this year will be no different! So I am heading up tonight and will be back late tomorrow afternoon with, I hope, some great shots of the horses and all the kids who love them!
A shot of one of the horses at camp last year

Thank you to all the volunteers and demonstrators who have put so much time and effort into making this year's horse camp such a success! The campers may not always say it, but they sure do appreciate all of your hard work!

1 comment:

  1. The second picture is of my horse! haha love it! do you have anymore pictures?
